114 th birthday of Pier Girgio Frassati

To the Associations, Oratories, Schools and Groups named after Pier Giorgio,
To those in charge of Youth Ministry,
To the Confraternities, the Seminaries, the Institutes,
To all the religious communities,
To all of Pier Giorgio’s friends

Dear friends,
the 6th of April is approaching, the 114th birthday of Pier Giorgio, and as is now customary every year we would not want this date to pass without preparing a gift which we can give him together; a gift he so insistently asked his friends for:
I  would  like  for  I  would  like  for  I  would  like  for  I  would  like  for us to pledge   a pact  that  knows  no  earthly  boundaries nor  temporal  limts:  union in prayer.” (to I. Bonini, January 15, 1925) therefore we would like you to take part in a proposal that is both simple and significant.

This year, Pope Francis has repeatedly urged us to pray for our brothers and sisters around the world, especially those persecuted for their faith in Christ Jesus and their unwavering loyalty to the Gospel.
When Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati was once threatened because of his own faith, he responded in a firm voice: "Your violence cannot defeat the strength of our faith, because the love of Christ will never die."
Mindful of the serious situation of the civilian population and – in particular – the Christian community in Iraq, Syria and Nigeria, we urge all friends of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, on the occasion of his birthday, not to forget our brothers in the midst of their suffering, and we propose that we all spend time in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, offering up our time and prayers for all persecuted Christians, so that the Lord may fill their hearts with the faith and hope that is needed to endure this difficult situation 
There is also the possibility, for those who wish, to make a donation, so as to concretely support our brothers in difficulty. Any person or group who would like to make a donation can freely choose the organization to which to make an offering; for those who are not sure of which foundation to make a donation to, we suggest a donation to the “Aiuto alla Chiesa che soffre” foundation (you can find more information here: http://www.aiuto-chiesa-che-soffre.ch/links.html).

Those who want to take part in this initiative, are asked to add their name to the list by sending an e-mail to: info@tipiloschi.com, simply provide your name or your group’s name and the country of origin.  As in previous years, all the participants will be  listed on the website of the Tipi Loschi (www.tipiloschi.com) where you can also download, in various languages, for your use, the text of the invite. 

Happy Birthday, Pier Giorgio!

Wanda Gawronska
(Associazione Pier Giorgio Frassati)

Marco Sermarini

(Compagnia dei tipi loschi del beato Pier Giorgio Frassati)


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