Dal prof. Carlo Bellieni - Crescono i rischi di danni al cervello nei bambini nati con la fecondazione in vitro

Dal prof. Carlo Bellieni che ringraziamo.

Vi mostro questo nostro studio appena pubblicato sull'aumento di rischio di danno cerebrale nei bambini nati da fecondazione in vitro (se a qualcuno interessano ancora i dati). cb
Minerva Pediatr. 2011 Dec;63(6):445-8.

Increased risk of brain injury in IVF babies.


Department of Pediatrics Obstetrics and Reproduction Medicine, University of Siena, Siena, Italy - bellieni@iol.it.



The aim of this paper was to assess brain injury occurrence among in vitro fertilization (IVF) babies.


We examined all babies born in our hospital in the triennium 2004-2006, comparing the presence of brain injuries between IVF babies and the rest of the population.


In IVF group (180 babies), brain injury was present in 4 babies, while in the rest of population (n=3602) it was present in 23 babies (P=0.042, RR: 3.18). IVF babies have a higher risk of being born with a birthweight less than 2 500 grams (P<0.0001; RR: 5.133). When we considered only babies born with a birth weight less than 2 500 grams, the difference of brain injury between the two groups was not significant.


In IVF babies, brain injury occurred more frequently than in the rest of population. This is probably due to a higher rate of premature births and low birth weight in IVF population. Anyway, this data should be disclosed to future parents to make an informed decision.


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